ANDE Monster Blue 1/2lb Spool | 60lb [400yd]

Dia. 0.80mm | Test: 27.3kg | Length: 360m

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Monster STRONG!!! ANDE Monster is an extra, extra, strong monofilament. In fact, it is the strongest monofilament ANDE has ever produced. Monster was designed to target large fish. It is a medium-hard monofilament with incredible tensile strength, outstanding knot strength, and abrasion resistance. It is a single-purpose line, and that purpose is to land large fish in the most difficult fishing conditions. 

ANDE Monster is ideal for Aussie anglers targeting large saltwater predators whether it be fishing the surf, off the rocks or from a boat around heavy structure & reef. If you're hunting big fish such as Yellowtail Kingfish, big Snapper, Mulloway, Sharks, Red Emperor, Nannygai, Coral Trout and all other structure-oriented brawlers, then ANDE Monster is the mono of choice to get the job done!


Brand ANDE Monofilament

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